› Lowest Price Guarantee
We are proud to offer you the Lowest Airfare Price Guarantee*!
If you happen to find a better flight booking deal elsewhere, we will provide you with a voucher as a reward for discovering a lower price within 24 hours of making your booking.
About the Offer
Our Lowest Guaranteed Price applies to flight reservations made on bookmytravelin.com. If you find a flight booking at a lower price with the same itinerary that you have booked through us, we will reward you with a voucher that can be used for future bookings with us. Here are more details about the offer:
- This offer is applicable only to domestic and international flight tickets booked online through bookmytravelin for departures from the United States. (Please confirm with our management for further details.)
- The lowest price, including fees and taxes, must be publicly available for booking on a website.
- The lower price itinerary must be identical to the one booked with bookmytravelin, including the same airline(s), flight number(s), travel dates, timing, and number of passengers.
- Payment for the booking must be made in US dollars ($).
- Claims must be initiated within 24 hours of making the booking.
- After verifying the fares, we will provide the user with a voucher code, which will be sent to the user's registered email address.
- bookmytravelin reserves the right to add, alter, or modify any of these terms and conditions without prior notice.
- All other standard terms and conditions of bookmytravelin.com will also apply.
Criteria for Matching Booking Itineraries:
When selecting itineraries to qualify for the Lowest Guaranteed Price, please ensure that the lowest-priced ticket meets the following criteria: same airline, flight numbers, travel dates, airports, number of ticketed passengers, cabin class, and service class.
Our Lowest Guaranteed Price does not apply to airfares that are not available to the general public, such as those for corporate customers, military personnel, students, children, senior citizens, groups, and members of organizations like AAA and AARP. It also does not apply to wholesaler and consolidator fares, convention rates, fares purchased through coupon promotions, loyalty programs, and other "reward" programs. Additionally, it does not apply to airfares that have been partially refunded or canceled by bookmytravelin.com or others, and fares that are part of promotional packages or include additional amenities such as meals. Finally, the Lowest Guaranteed Price does not apply to flight reservations on certain carriers, including Spirit Airlines, Frontier, Lufthansa, Austrian, Brussels, Swiss, British Airways, Iberia, Air France, KLM, and Ukraine Airlines. (Please verify with our management for complete details.)
How Do I Claim My Voucher?
Contact us immediately and inform us about the lower-priced deal with identical itineraries. Please ensure that the lower-priced ticket you found is on a public website and has an itinerary that matches the one booked with bookmytravelin.